Friday 20 May 2011

The La's - Crescent Tape

This is (as far as I know) the most recent collection of songs from Lee Mavers, dating from 1998. The tape is so called as it was played to a Liverpool band called The Crescent, which I assume is how it was leaked. The sound quality is quite poor, but not nearly as bad as the Kitchen Tape from a few years earlier (will be posting that at some point in the future). Some good songs here, none of which have been heard anywhere else. Recommended to all fans of the band, if you can put up with the sound quality. Link and artwork are my own, enjoy!

01 Lee Mavers on tuning
02 Raindance
03 Minefield
04 Human Race
05 Open Your Mind
06 Tears in the Rain (intro)
07 Lets go for a ride
08 Ladies and Gentlemen
09 Rebound
10 Was it something I said
11 When will I see you again


  1. Hi ya mate. Thanks a lot! I have a favor to ask of you. Could you upload the cover art to this album in higher resolution if it's possible? I plan to have a shirt printed with it. Thanks in advance!

  2. One of my favorite albums now. Damn, mate. Even if these songs are unfinished, they make up one hell of a cohesive, addictive and solid album! You could just blast this thing loud, and play it all day and it won't cloy, it just gets better everytime - like all La's stuff.
